
Tuesday 22 September 2020

Maori Language Week

It was Maori Language Week last week! We had a task (room 6) for the Maori Language week. We had to make a DLO and teach others something about Maori. I chose to teach the alphabet, but its not really teaching it's kind of like showing you guys what letters are in the Maori Alphabet. 

I wrote the alphabet in Maori and then in english so that people would understand. At the end of the book I put a link in that leads to someone elses DLO so that you could see what they are doing. I used Book Creator to make this. This was really fun to do and it was not that hard.

Monday 21 September 2020


Malo e lelei!

For RE we have been learning about the different Sacraments. Sacraments of Initiation, Sacraments of Healing and Sacraments of Commitment. We had different tasks for each of these Sacraments. The Sacraments of Healing were Reconcilitiation and Anointing of the Sick. The Sacraments of Initiation are Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. The Sacraments of Commitment are Marrige and Holy Orders. 

For each topic there were different tasks. The task for the Sacraments of Initiation was to make a DLO teaching others about the sacraments of intiation. The task for the sacraments of the healing was to make a picture or drawing that shows us the grace we get through each of these sacraments.  The last task for the sacraments of commitment was to write how through taking out the responsibility in vocations, and how priest and ministers are an example, bishops and things like that.

Here are my posters: 

Holy orders is a sacrament that you have to be responsible for. It is when you are becoming a Priest. Being a priest is not easy, you have to make sure that what you say and do are easy for the people watching and listening to understand. You also have to be responsible for your actions even when no one is watching.

Once you have commited to something you take responsibility for what you have commited to. Commiting to something is like saying that you are going to do something, so you will get it done. Priests and Ministers commit to being what they are, and they do not fall back and give up. Holy Orders and Marriage are things that you commit to.

I put the words from the newspaper in here because it wouldn't let me post it.

Changing Improper Fractions into Mixed Numbers.

 Kia Ora! 

Hi guys! In class our teacher made a slideshow that had a lot of things we could learn. The slideshow was a really cool slide and it was fun to go through. The things that were in the slide that we could learn were Ordering Decimals, Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages, Order fractions, and Converting Fractions into mixed numbers. 

The reason we were going through these and learning, it was because we were to make a DLO of the strategy that we had learnt. Our task was to make a DLO about the startegy we learnt and explain all about the startegy. This was hard to do but also fun, and I enjoyed it. 

Here is my DLO:

Thursday 17 September 2020

Scratch Shapes

 Kia ora! Hi guys!

Today our class (Room 6) and Room 5,  have been busy all morning because we had to join these meetings (hangouts) to understand how these different tools on our chromebooks work. There were different schools from the Uru Manuka that were presenting each of these tools that we could use.

These meetings were all going on at different times because people were joining different hangouts and there were a lot of different schools and people that joined these meetings. My camera would not work so it was turned off for all of the sessions. These tools could help us in the future so this is why we were learning how to use them. 

One of the meetings that I really liked was the Scratch Shapes because they explained it very well and they moved on a quick paste but you could also keep up too. Scratch Shapes was my favourite because it was explained really good and I learned something.

Thank You!

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Pope Inquiry

 Kia Ora!

In class we have been doing these Key Idea tasks. For Key Idea 6, the task was to make an Pope Inquiry. There were different things that we could choose. Like Important events in the life of Pope Francis, Popes of the 21st Century, The Pope’s Home - The Vatican, An Encyclical written by the Pope, or Pick your own topic. I chose to do the Important events in the life of Pope Francis.

For this task that I chose, I had to search the important events that happened in Pope Francis' life and ask a question of what the events were. With the questions we had, we had to answer them.

With the second question you had to ask why/how these events were happening. I chose why these events were happening and answered them.

On the last slide I asked a question that can be debatable. I asked some friends the question and they gave me their anwers. I wrote their answers down.

Here is my Inquiry: