
Tuesday 31 August 2021

Saint Vincent De Paul

 Malo Lei Lei! 

This week for RE we have been given tasks about St Vincent De Paul. Did you know that Vincent was captured by Pirates? 

He was on a boat back home because he had recently been on his way to sell some property that he had recieved. He was captured by 2 pirates while travelling, they took him to Tunis in Northen Africa. He was a slave for 2 years because he was sold into slavery. During those 2 years he would pray to God saying that if he was freed he would spend the rest of his life devoting his life to to the service of the poor. 

This is a picture of the house that St Vincent was born in:

Article About Tupac's Death

 Kia Ora!

I hope that everyone is enojoying lockdown and relaxing. :)

For our home learning writing task our class had to write an article about a person, place or event. This was a free choice and we could choose. I chose to write about Tupac's death. I decided to choose this because while I was searching for who I wanted to write about or what I wanted to write about, I thought that it would be interesting to write about his death. 

I really like the idea of getting to choose what we got to write about. This work for was the first week of lockdown. There was a slideshow about how we could write our articles and what an article is. The slideshow was really helpful and helped me to understand what I had to do.

This is my article:

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Orana Park


Yesterday another class and mine went on a trip to orana park. When we had arrived there we all waited for the others to get to orana park. There was a lady who was going to be helping us for the day that came to talk and explain to us about what we were going to be doing. The classes were split into 2 groups and we went our own ways. 

The first animal that we had went and saw was the lions. There were 4 of them, 2 boys and 2 girls. The boys were a lot bigger than than the girls. They didn't have manes so you couldn't tell that they were boys. The 4 lions are all cousins. These lions know the sound of different vechiles so when they heard the food truck they would get all excited and happy. Did you know that lions are a social animal?

Social animals are animals that live in groups and that are able to survive with a group of animals of their kind. Lions are social animals. The female lions go and do the hunting for food, while the male lions job is to protect the pack. There are also solitary animals, animals that survive on their own without a pack. They are independent. Tigers are solitary animals. At orana park they have 2 tigers that stay together, they are still both young so that is why they are staying together for now. The workers will seperate them when they are starting to mature. The signs of them maturing is them fighting and starting to get serious. Did you know tigers have striped skin?

Thank you for visiting this blog! 

Monday 9 August 2021

Parts of a Plant

Kia Ora!

This term we have been learning about biodiversity - Parts of a plant. We have been doing a lot od tasks based on this topic. I am going to be talking about the Parts of a plant. 

Our first task, we were put into groups of 3 and given a pack of cards. The cards had bugs and insects on them. Out of those insects and bugs we had to put them into 2 piles, one pile for the friends and the other for the foes - pests. When all the groups had finished doing that task we all shared 1 each of those two piles. This task was very interesting to do because it was hard to figure out what bug was a friend or foe. 

There is a google drawing that me and my buddy had made to sum everything that we have been learning up. This google drawing is basically showing and telling what the different parts of a plant do and how they help. 

Here is the google drawing:

Thank you for visiting this blog! 

Insect Symmetry


Today we have been drawing some art. This art is based on insect symmetry, which basically you draw an insect that is excatly the same if you cut that insect in half. We also had this task because it is related to the topic that we are learning this term.

There were a lot of different insects that we could do, sadly we couldn't do spiders because they are not insects. I chose to draw a scorpion. We had to draw half of the picture first and then trace over it, so the papers were folded in half most of the time. 

We added in our own patterns to make them more detailed. This task was not that hard to do and it was a really fun task. We all had the choice to have a side printed so that it would be easier to trace over but I had chosen to draw my own. 

Here is a picture of my drawing!

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Thursday 8 July 2021

The History of Chocolate!

 Kia Ora!

Yesterday was the World Chocolate Day - 7th of July. In class the first thing we went and learned about was the history of chocolate. It was a fun day yesterday for everyone in my class. We watched Charlie and the chocolate factory while drinking hot chocolate. It was all about chocolate. While we were working through some questions about the history of chocolate our teachers gave us some chocolate. After the movie we had to create our own lolly that would make people feel funny. We got to share our creations with the class. After lunchtime we had team building.

Here are some facts about the history of chocolate:

The first people that grew the cacao plant were the Olmecs of Mexico. They passed on their knowledge to the Ancient Maya of Mexico and Centeral America, who made a spicy drink out of chocolate.

Christopher Columbus was the first Euroepeon explorer to ever come in touch with cacao beans, this happened in 1502. 

The first chocolate house was opened in London in 1657. 

The first chocolate that was produced to eat happened in 1830.

For the team building we had to build the tallest and strongest tower with pasta and marshmellows. The tower had to be able to hold 3 crunchie bars off of the ground. This activity was really fun, my team had tried a lot of ways and in the end we made it happen. There were 30 pasta sticks and 6 marshmellows that each group had with a long piece of tape. Whoever won got to have the cruncie bars. My team came first with the tallest and strongest and it was just fun.

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Thursday 24 June 2021

Student Summit 2021

 Kia Ora!

Today is the Student Summit! The stundent summit is when a bunch of schools from your cluster all gather together with something to share from each school. I was one of the presenters and I was presenting about book creator. Celine was one of the other presenters that helped me present. Each school presented a toolkit that would be helpful for us and our learning. 

This first 2 sessions I was presenting. The other 2 I went to and learnt about other toolkits. Codey Rocky was one of them presented by South Hornby School. The codey rocky was really fun to learn about and exciting to code. The coding on codey rocky is the same as scratch and it is like a little robot that does what the coding blocks say. We used a ipad to code the codey rocky, it was a really cool toolkit.

The last session that I had was Animaker. Animaker was really good, it was presented by Yaldhurst Model School. On animaker was we got to play around with it and insert characters and change their positions. The presenters also showed us how to post an animaker video onto our blogs. 

If you want to check out some of these toolkits here is a link

Here are some photos:

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