
Thursday 28 November 2019

The Stag

For reading this week we have a story called The Stag. We had a task that was to make a trap for the stag without having to kill it by shooting it. My idea was to make a big hole big enough for the stag and when it falls into the hole it will make a  noise to attract help then you will know that my plan has worked.

Here is a Demonstration:

The Truth Of Hansel and Gretel

Last Friday Rooms 4, 5 and 6 got to go and watch this Ballet performance. It was about Hansel and Gretel. The ballet was kind of different to what we thought it would be like. When we came back to school we talked about how it was different. The next day we wrote a story to Hansel and Gretel but with a twist. We got to make it how we wanted. 

In my story I added an older brother to the story. Even though there isn't an older brother I added him in. My story isn't finished yet but I am posting it today.

Here is my Writng:

Gretel’s Point of view
After our parents sent me and Hansel to our rooms I was really hungry. I went downstairs to get some bread. I grabbed a random sauce to eat with it. 
I was feeling a little tired after I ate the bread. I was starting to fall asleep suddenly I heard someone run into the house. 
I went to check and I saw my dad. He asked if I ate the last bread and I said yes. He looked really mad. I ran up to my room and locked the door. 
I went to my bed and looked through the window. It was really dark so I could see my reflection in the window. I saw red eyes. I went to my mirror and my eyes were red. Like my pupils changed from green to red. 
I went to sleep so that I could forget this ever happened.

Hansel’s Point of view
It was the next morning. I went to the Pancake centre and Gretel came with me. I had a lot of cash with me. I am kind of rich. 
Gretel saw one of her friends and she went to catch up with her. I bought the pancakes while they were talking.
When I was eating my pancake I saw that Gretelsl’s eyes were red. I didn’t bother to ask why it was red I just kept on eating. 
After awhile Gretel went to grab the syrup. I asked her if I could have some and she spilled the syrup on my head on purpose. She started laughing. I was mad. “You can find your own way home!” I yelled at her.
Everyone was staring as I walked to wipe the syrup off my head. I was really annoyed. She did that in front of a lot of people and when she did it she said “Oops” and then laughed.

Dads Point of view
I asked Gretel if she ate that last bread because I bought that from the ice cream shop. The lady that gave it to me for free said that they sell a lot of bread but they were sold out. I never saw any bread when I walked in there everyday. I knew she was lying. But she looked like a really evil witch, so I took the bread. I was hoping that no one would eat it because it came in a packet that said ‘Toxic’
But Gretel ate it. I could see that her eyes were red and she was getting mean. 
Hansel even told me about what she did to him. It was really mean of what she did. I better let their older brother know.

Luke’s Point of view (Older Brother)
Dad just told me about what Gretel did. I said that she always does that, but dad didn’t agree. I think she was just acting like that since she is the youngest and the only girl. She once told me that she will run away soon. I was thinking that she just wants brothers that are not annoying and they actually help her for once, but no. 
I didn’t really see Gretel today. Maybe she actually did run away. I don’t feel bad.

Gretel’s Point of view
I didn’t know how to get home. My friend left before Hansel and then Hansel left. I walked to the forest. I saw this gingerbread house and I went inside. Since I needed help, I thought it would be a good idea to go inside. 
There was a lady inside she was dancing. I asked her if she could take me home. “You can stay with me for a bit.” She said
I didn’t want to stay with her. I was about to walk out the door when she brought in some food. 
I decided to change my mind and stay behind. I was full. I fell asleep. I woke up and I was in ratty clothes. It was gross. It had holes in it. Before I went to sleep I had better clothes than this. 

Hansels Point of view
I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. Then I heard Lukes voice. He started banging on the bathroom door. “Hurry up. You're not the only one living here” He said
I told him to wait or to go use the other bathroom. But he didn’t. He said Dad was using it but Dad wasn’t home. 
He kept on banging on the door. It was so annoying. I wish my step-mum never adopted him. 
She adopted him before my dad and her met. Ever since he has been the oldest. 
My step-mother is kind of evil. She yelled at me when dad told me to go get some bread. I came back with no bread because they were sold out. I also once overheard her talking to dad about abandoning us in a forest. Dad didn’t say anything. He knew that we needed him. 

Step-Mother’s Point of view
Hansel and Gretel don’t very like me that much. They think that my favourite child is Luke just because I adopted him and I have lived with him much longer than I have with them.
I didn’t really see Gretel today. She probably is hanging out with her friends. Anyways I want to make sure that Gretel and Hansel get good sleep.

Gretel’s Point of view
I tried finding a way out. Suddenly something red catches my eye. I turn around and see the lady that fed me. I really just want to go home. 
I see a door. I run to it quickly and pass the lady. I open the door. It leads back to my home. 
I run through into my house so happy. But then I find out no one is home. I go upstairs and see that I’m all alone. I wondered why I would be home alone because it’s the middle of the night and Hansel should already be home.
I run back to the door I came from, but I don’t see it. It was right there. Then I knew this was a trap. That evil lady wanted to distract my family so that she can cook them. 
I knew her plan. Her plan was to split my family up and get them to all search for me. 
I saw the front door, so I opened it. It led to the pancake centre. 

I shouldn’t have spilled that syrup on Hansel’s head. I don’t know what I was thinking.

What do you think will happen next?

Friday 1 November 2019

Descriptive Writing Prompts

In class we have been doing some descriptive writing. We had to make a copy of this slideshow and it was with pictures. We had to describe the pictures that were on the slideshow. I finished doing that today. We had to describe the pictures with four sentences with a topic out of these topics. You will know what topics they are once you read them. The 2 slide was a example of what sentences we have to write.
Here is the Slideshow:

Let me know if there is anything I need to work on!

Flower Printing

In class we have been printmaking. Printmaking is when you have ink and you roll it against a picture that is overlapped that you know it is overlapped. What I mean overlapped is when you can feel how the pieces of your picture on top of each other. So we made the pictures first and then started printing. We had to do a practice and a Good copy. Here is mine:

The bottom one was my good copy, the top right one was my practice and the top left one was my tile that I used to print with. I did four at first but then ended up doing 6 at the end. What I had fun doing was drawing the flower. What I found hard was to get a lot of ink on my tile. What I found interesting was that it acutally worked.