
Sunday 29 March 2020

Under the Bed - Writing

Kia ora, 

While we are on lockdown, I checked the Home learning site. The task was for writing. We had to pick a prompt to write about. I went through the slide to look through the prompts and there was one prompt that I liked the most. It was called under the bed, and it looked like a fun writing prompt to do. So basically the task was to draw a picture in the readers head. 
Here is my Writing:

The screeching sounds were so painful to Michael’s ears.
He managed to pull himself down to see what was under
his bed. As soon as he had his eyes under the bed, the
noise had stopped. Michael had one more good look under
the bed. He didn’t see anything, it was too dark under there.
He was too afraid to go under his bed. 

He quietly got up back onto his bed. As he did slowly, he heard
a different noise this time. It was like something or someone was
trying to escape from under his bed. It was like a loud banging
noise. This time he was scared and wasn’t even able to look
down under his bed. 

Michael put his covers over him and waited for the noise to stop.
Soon later, it was all quiet again. He came out from his covers and
played with his toys again. While he was playing with his toys, his
truck toy fell onto the ground. 

He picked it up. As he picked up the truck, he saw bright, glowing, big
eyes, under his bed…..

Friday 20 March 2020


In class last week we did this nutrition thing. It was where we learnt about the different type of food groups. Also we learnt about the healthy foods and the junk foods. After we learnt about that Sophie came in the next day and we walked to pak'nsave. We split into groups after when we got there and went into pak'nsave to look at the healthy foods and what is bad for us. The things we had to look for were Fat/Total, Sodium, Dietry Fibre and the sugars. Fat and sugar had to be less than 10g. The sodium had to be less than 400mg. The dietry fibre had to be more than 5g. If they weren't a good amount than it wasn't healthy. We had some papers that we had to tick if it was a everyday food, by finding out the ingredients and all of the quantity of how much the Fat/Total, Dietry Fibre, Sodium and the sugars. If they were good we would put a tick on our piece of papers, to know what is an everyday food and what is a somtimes food.

Here is my google drawing that I made of what I learnt from the Healthy and Sometimes Food:

Different Roles

In class for R.E we have been talking about what different roles we do at home, on any day. I did mine on a school day. We had to make a table and then write the times of the day and what ourselves, siblings and parents do. We could make it in any DLO, so I made mine in a googe drawings. I added in all the things I do and all the things that happen at home. I also put the times of the day that are usually used while I'm at home.

So we had to show what roles we do. I haven't added some in but sometimes I always have to clean my room and do the dishes. This is what my DLO looks like:

Thursday 19 March 2020


In class we have been learning new and different startegies. We had to make a slideshow showing and teaching about what startegy we used and how to use it. There were two startegies that I have learnt so far. It was adding onto the numbers and using a number line. It wasn't that hard but not too easy at the same time. I found it easier to use the adding strategy more. 

Here is my slideshow:

My Mascot

In class we have been reading some books about anzac stories. We had a task and it was to read into the articles that were on our class site and once we have read them or watched videos about them, we had to make a DLO informing people about anzac mascots. I made a slideshow because it was kind of easier to put all the information I learnt on there. After we finished that we had to make our own mascot. My mascot is mixed with a bird and a pig. I traced some pictures, so that I didn't have to put links in if I didn't use my own picture. 

Here is my Slideshow:

Here is my Mascot:

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Saint Maximillian Kolbe

We have been learning about Saint Maximillian Kolbe and Father Francis. There were videos and readings that we could learn from. I read the passage and it was kind of hard to understand but I got it in the end. In class we had to choose who (out of the two we learned about) we wanted to make a DLO about. I chose to make it about Saint Maximillian Kolbe. 

When we got started on our DLO's I was using piktochart but then we also learned about what SISIMO meant. Sound, Sight and Motion. 

When I tried voki at first, it was kind of fustrating because sometimes your work wasn't there so you had to start again. So I just stuck with making a piktochart. 

Here is the piktochart:

Friday 6 March 2020


WALT Use descriptive language

In class we are reading this book, it is called The Anzac Violin by Jennifer Beck. The illustrator is Robyn Belton. After we finished reading the book, we had to go to our desks and write a diary entry that is more exciting than the real diary entry. 

We had to make a table and write in some descriptive words that would put a picture in our heads to let us see and imagine what the writing was about. The part that I am writing about is when Alexander had to get on the train. I ended it there. 

We could use a thesaurus to make the words we wrote more exciting and to make our story more exciting and more descriptive. I used a thesaurus twice during my story because I had a look at my words and they were kind of boring so I wanted to change it.

So we were making a better diary entry to the one that we have read. We could be anyone in the story, I was Alexander. 
Here is my Diary entry:

I stood there in shock, as I watched what was happening.
I heard footsteps, big loud ones. I turned around and there
was a shadow of a big man holding a gun. I went closer and
as I got closer the shadow had disappeared. I creeped
over towards a bunch of boxes. I hid as I heard the fear in
their screams. 

It was a windy cool night. There were people hiding everywhere.
I heard engines roaring. As I walked away from the sound I saw beaming lights.
They were bright. I looked and saw that there were boats disappearing
into the distance. 

I walked back to the sounds and away from the boats. I saw people
falling down as I walked towards the boxes. 

I got back to the boxes. When I turned around I saw the same beaming
lights but they were coming closer. I looked around to see if I could go
hide somewhere else But it was too late. 

The lights were close and they could see me. I tried running but they
caught me and yelled at me to stop. 

I stopped, I was scared and didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know
who they were and if they were going to hurt me. These random
guys came and took me to a train. I had to get onto the train.

As the train sped, the gunshots were fading away. But every
time I think about this memory I can still hear screams from the horror.